Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's already been a week!!

Can't believe it's already been a week since we got here.  It has gone by very fast.  Probably because there has been so much going on.  Revival was still going on last week.  We were getting to know the boys again after being away for awhile and getting settled in to our home away from home.  Saturday was a day of fun and lots of preparation for the celebration at church Sunday.  It started with 32 people getting baptized in the ocean at 6 am.  Then a cow was killed for the feeding of the community after the 4 hour church service Sunday.  There are always things going on with the boys so I wouldn't have time to mention all of those.  Sunday was a wonderful day even though we fought the powers of evil all day and into the night.  The generators quit working so there was no power at the church for a while.  The tarp in front of the church kept blowing away. There was a fight in church with one of our boys and another boy, and 2 other fights with our boys.  One of the street boys fell in the yard and gashed his brow.  It took 4 butterfly stitches and it really needed the real thing.  He ended up getting new shoes, clothes and a cap so his pain was not in vain.  Through all these things the Lord provided enough food to feed close to 1000 people.  What a blessing to see all those men, women and children being fed.
This has been a hot, humid week but today we had some relief.  There were bands of storms that came through from the hurricane that went by us and provided some much needed rest from the heat. 
We have been in the process of re-inforcing rules and regulations that have been in place but not enforced.  This has been an adjustment for all but it seems to be working well.  The boys aren't in school yet so they have lots of free time during the day.  We are working on filling some of that time up.  There is never a dull moment here and not much spare time to relax.  We are taking the boys to the beach about 10 - 15 miles away tomorrow if the weather permits.  The rain may flood the roads that we have to travel on so that would prevent us from going.  We are all looking forward to it so God willing that will be our day tomorrow.
Now it is time for a bucket bath with water that I really wish was cooler than it is.  (Can't believe I said that :)
Please pray for peace and brotherhood between the boys.  There has been lots of fighting between several of them.  It's hard to know what kind of lives they had before coming here but now they can know the love of their heavenly Father and His grace and mercy in their lives. 
Please pray for Ron and I to receive wisdom and much patience as we learn to love and care for these boys.
Also pray for strength and continued good health for all here.
We love you all and truly need the power of your prayers as we fight the battles before us each day.
God bless and keep you well!

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